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Vlna merino - studie


Vlna merino - studie

Existují nějaké studie o tom, že merino je prodyšné, příjemné, reguluje vlhkost a zabraňuje zápachu?

O funkčním oblečení z merino vlny všichni jeho výrobci svorně tvrdí, že je prodyšné, příjemné, reguluje vlhkost a zabraňuje zápachu. Jedná se jen o dobře promyšlený marketingový tah nebo je opravdu merino vlna materiálem k nezaplacení? A to podle některých doslova. 

Merino vlna je již po staletí vyhledávaným a používaným ryze přírodním materiálem. V současní době se řádným výzkumem jeho vlastností a širokému spektru uplatnění věnovala řada lékařských a vědeckých institucí, které prováděly výzkum tohoto přírodního super vlákna. 

Pro zvědavé pár odkazů na studie, které vypovídají o jeho jednotlivých vlastnostech:

Merino vlna je vysoce prodyšná a reguluje vlhkost.

  • Australian Wool Innovation, “Breathability” nd Web. 2013.
  • Alan, Don, and Will. “Comfort and Moisture Transport in Lightweight Wool and Synthetic Base Layers.” BackpackingLight.com. Np, Web. 2005
  • Li, Y., Holcombe, BV, Apcar, F., “Moisture buffering behaviour of hygroscopic fabric during wear”. Textile Research journal, 62: 11, 619-27. 1992
  • Massie,DS, Mehta,PN,”Moisture transport properties of underwear fabrics”. Ilkley, Yorkshire, UK, International Wool Secretariat, Technical Centre. 1980
  • Onions, WJ, “Wool. An Introduction to its properties, varieties, uses and production”. Interscience Publishers: 46-63. 1962

Merino vlna pomáhá regulovat teplotu těla.

  • CSIRO, "Wool and Warmth", np, nd Web, 2013
  • CSIRO, "Wool garments generate warmth in cool, damp conditions" Np, nd Web, 2013
  • CSIRO, "Wool for Active Sports: Comfort and Performance Advantages" Np, nd Web, 2013
  • Laing, RM, Sims, ST, Wilson, CA, Niven, BE, and Cruthers, NM, “Differences in wearer response to garments for outdoor activity”, University of Otago, Ergonomics, 1-19. 2007
  • Collie,SR, NAGJohnson., “The benefits of wearing wool rather than man-made fibre garments”. Lincoln, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1998
  • Bakkevig, MK, Nielsen, R. “Impact of wet underwear on thermoregulatory responses and thermal comfort in the cold”. Ergonomics, 37, 1375-89. 1994
  • Pessenhofer, H., B.Kohla, et al. “Influencing energy readiness and thermal regulation of humans during physical stress on a bicycle ergometer by clothing made from various textile materials” Physiologiches Institut, Karl-Franzens Universitat. 1991
  • Stuart, IM, Schneider, AM, Turner, TR, Textile Research Journal, 1989
  • Holcombe, BV “The thermal insulation performance of textile fabrics”, CSIRO. 1987
  • Holmer, I., “Heat exchange and thermal insulation compared in woollen and nylon garments during wear trials”, Textile Research Journal, 55: 9, 511-8. 1985
  • Leeder, J. “Wool-Nature's Wonder Fibre”, Australasian Textile Publishers. 1984
  • Holcombe, BV, Hoschke, BN, “Dry heat transfer characteristics of underwear fabrics”. Textile Research Journal, 53, 368-74. 1983
  • Rodahl, R., Giere, A., Staft, PH, Wedin, B. “A physiological comparison of the protective value of nylon and wool in a cold environment, in A. Borg and JH Veghte (eds.), “The Physiology of Cold Weather Survival” (AGARDReportNo620) 53-8. 1973
  • Rodwell, EC, Renbourn, ET, Greenland, J., Kenchington, KWL, “An investigation of the physiological value of sorption heat in clothing assemblies” .Journal of the Textile Institute, 56,624-45. 1965
  • Pierce, FT, Rees, and WH, Heat transfer through moist fabrics. Journal of the Textile Institute, 37,T181-204. 1946

Merino vlna je antibakteriální a potlačuje zápach.

  • Aebi-Magee, J. “What Makes, Wool So Special?”, Wool Revolution. Np, nd ,Web. 2013
  • Adams, S., “IMerino ::.” Np nd , Web , 2013.
  • Burling-Claridge,GR, Odour production inactive sportswear. WRONZ Confidential report. 1998
  • McQueen, RH, Laing, RM, Brooks, HJL, Niven, BE, “Odour intensity in apparel fabrics and the link with bacterial populations”. Textile Research Journal, 77, 449-56. 2007
  • McQueen, RH, Laing, RM, Wilson, CA, Niven, BE, and Delahunty, CM, 2007.”Odor retention on apparel fabrics: Development of test methods for sensory detection”. Textile Research Journal, 77,645-52. 2007

Merino vlna je měkká, hypoalergenní a pomáhá lidem s citlivou pokožkou a ekzémy.

  • Mistiaen, P., Jolly, DJ, McGowan, S., Hickey, MB, Spreeuwenberg, P., Francke, AL Medical Journal of Australia, 193, 638-641. 2010
  • Spelman, L., Queensland Institute of Dermatology (QID). 2012
  • Manfredi, S., Tonin, C., “A respiratory and allergy survey in textile workers employed in early stages of wool processing”, G. Ital, Med. Lav. Ergon, 2293), 236-40. 2000
  • Hatch, KL, and Maibach, HI (1985), “Textile Fibre Dermatitis”, Contact Dermatitis, 12, 1-11. 1985
  • Fischer, AA, “Contact Dermatitis”, 2nd Edition, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 135. 1973

Merino vlna zlepšuje spánek u kojenců.

  • Chin-Moi Chow Dr, University of Sydney Faculty of Health Sciences. 2006
  • Umbach, KH, Journal of the Textile, 77:3, 212-222. 1987
  • Dickson, PR, Medical Journal of Australia, January 21, p87-89. 1984
  • Scott, S., Lucas, P., Cole, T., and Richards, M., The Lancet, October 29, p1014-1016.1983
  • Powley, M., Nye, P., and Buckfield, P. The Lancet, May 3, p979- 980. 1980
  • Scott, S., and Richards, M., The Lancet, May 12, p1028. 1979

Merino vlna je přírodní zpomalovač hoření a má UV faktor 30+.

  • CSIRO, "Flame resistance of wool", Np, nd Web, 2013
  • Gambichler, T., Rotterdam, S., Altmeyer, P., Hoffmann, K.,“Protection against ultraviolet radiation by commercial summer clothing: need for standardised testing and labelling”, BMC, Dermatology, 1: 6. 2001
  • Hilfiker, R., Kaufmann, W., Reinert, G., and Schmidt, E., Textile Research Journal, 66: 2, 61. 1996

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